Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Klaus has died. We are all very sad here. He was 3 and a half, and gerbils are only expected to live 2 years.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

This post is for a certain person indeed.


Friday, 25 September 2009

Hey, guys! i havn't posted in half of forever! i forgot about my blog, i guess. sorry:( i've been busy with other things mainly school.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

I got Klaus a new cage. Well it is actually an old cage. I got it at a garage sale a couple of years ago for no actual reason, since i already had a cage. So the years went by and the cage was used as a playhouse for Klaus, and then my dad took some tubes that I had bought when I got the new cage (it is a tube cage) and stuck one end of a long tube we made into cage, and then he put the other end into the top door of the original cage with wire. That worked for a while, but then Klaus kept on peeing in the tunnel and it was so hard to take out and wash and put back together and then do it again in 1 week. So I took it back apart. So NOW the old garage sale cage is all by itself, with a happy gerbil inside.

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Have any of you ever read the books A Series of Unfortunate Events, By Lemony Snicket? It is a very good series of books. And do not think that i am trying to get you to read a little centimeter-thick-softcover-little-kid-book. The series is thirteen books long, and each book is about an inch thick hardcover medium sized book. and the dedications are all very tragic. my mom read the first book and said that is was very good indeed, so if she likes it, the rest of you adult and older kid bloggers will probably like it. as i was saying, the dedications are very tragical. they are all about this mans girlfriend who for some reason he is not allowed to see. the woman seems to be a writer, and her name is definitely Beatrice. then Beatrice died. the writers style of writing is very funny, and it has little bits that he talks, like the part in book the second, where it says "the incredibly dangerous poisonous deadly viper undid its cage quietly and shot forward, and before either Klaus or Violet even noticed, it bit sunny on the chin." the chapter ends right there, and then in the next chapter the writer says, "I am so sorry to leave you hanging there, but as i was writing this book, i looked at the clock and what did i see, but that it was ten minutes after five, and i had a very important meeting with Miss Wendlekin at twenty minutes past five.. Miss wendlekin is a very kind person, her only fault is that she gets very mad if you are the slightest bit late to her meetings, so you understand that i had to leave the typerwriter on the sunny porch and put on a tie and call a taxi cab." so in one of those parts where the author talks, it talks a bit about Beatrice. be sure to read is soon, and i am sure you will, to find out what happened to sunny. but incase you are planning to skip straight to book two and find out what on earth happened to sunny, i do not advise it. then you will miss out on the biggest part of the story if you do not read them in order.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

the last post

The last post had no sound, as i am sure you noticed. Sorry about that. I have had my new camera since the summer, but unfortunately manual was all french and i can't figure out how to get sound on my movies.

Friday, 20 March 2009

Take this and multiply it by about a million. that is my nightime life. Do you bloggers remember that post about klaus chewing the bars? well, i bet you never thought it was this bad. But recently, i came up with the brilliant idea of putting tape on some bits of the bars, to stop the vibrations. and it worked!!! he barely made a noise the entire night, except for when he got so mad from not making any noise and rammed his face against his little sleeping hutch . if you are wondering what happened after that, he got back to his senses and went to bed. But then, a good whack in the head would make anybody go to bed. there is hope for his little insane self after all:O
This is my LITTLE sister and i on the beach. She recently had a growth spurt.

Monday, 9 March 2009

i didn't mean to make that post so messy looking. sorry.

SO cute! i love his little whiskers and
his little pink nose:D Did you know what? one if his whiskers is curly:P and his chin is yellow. probably because he had an accident in bed. (klaus sleeps in a little ball.)

Sunday, 8 March 2009

isn't klaus SO cute when he does that? i love how he lifts up one paw and looks at me:)

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Klaus got moved up to my bedroom. the only problem is that he chews on the cage bars all night and makes a terrible racket. I was sitting on my bed with Klaus the other day, and he bit me twice on each leg!!!
My sister got a blog too. It is Normannook.blogspot.com