Tuesday, 5 May 2009

I got Klaus a new cage. Well it is actually an old cage. I got it at a garage sale a couple of years ago for no actual reason, since i already had a cage. So the years went by and the cage was used as a playhouse for Klaus, and then my dad took some tubes that I had bought when I got the new cage (it is a tube cage) and stuck one end of a long tube we made into cage, and then he put the other end into the top door of the original cage with wire. That worked for a while, but then Klaus kept on peeing in the tunnel and it was so hard to take out and wash and put back together and then do it again in 1 week. So I took it back apart. So NOW the old garage sale cage is all by itself, with a happy gerbil inside.


Pooh said...

Cool! I hope he enjoys his new cage! Glad to see you posted again!

Pooh said...

And tell Pipsqueak to post something!!!!!!!!!!

Gwen said...

Oh, Klaus, how I love you so.

freedomnan said...

Happy Birthday to you, Georgia!!
Nanny and Grandad

Jennifer said...

Hi Georgia! How are you lately? I have been fine. How is Pipsqueak? Tell her I`am fine. I have posted some new post`s lately. I think you`re mom will tell you about it, if she doesn`t tell her to. Cousen A